Q: Who are you and where are you located?
A: Hello, I'm Omerpsd. I live in Istanbul, Turkey, working as an art director and content creator.
Q: What kind of art do you make?
A: Saying I have a certain style means not limiting myself. I use the program that can best create the scene I envision at that moment. If I were to talk about my interests, they might revolve around space and cars.
Q: When and why did you first become an artist?
A: My interest in art began in 2010, but I can definitely say that I started to consider myself an artist or content creator in 2015. My passion for photography led me to digital scene creation, and I mean this in a positive way. While photography allows you to see a certain space, being able to transform that scene into an unlimited space through Photoshop felt much more exciting to me, and my area of interest completely changed.

Q: What tools do you use most in your work, and how has that changed over time?
A: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Blender are the programs I frequently use for content creation.
Q: What’s your opinion of AI image generators? If you use them in your work, please tell us how.
A: While content creation with AI tools is certainly exciting, I prefer not to use them for myself. This is due to potential issues I might face in the future, such as copyright problems and the restrictions imposed by platforms. Instead, I have always prioritized my personal development.

Q: What tips or tricks do you have for other Zedge artists?
A: Individuals who define themselves as artists should primarily respect their work. Copyright issues in the digital realm are one of the biggest challenges today. Therefore, it would be beneficial for them to develop their skills in design fields.