To mark Cyber Monday, Emojipedia has launched a brand new feature within its Emoji Playground: the AI Emoji Generator. This free and easy-to-use tool will allow users to create custom emoji images for concepts not represented within our standard emoji keyboards.
Using our new AI Emoji Generator is simple: once you have accessed the feature’s landing page, you will be asked to “Describe an emoji” (for example, a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat) in its input field.
You can also toggle the style of the emoji generation from being inspired by Microsoft’s 3D Fluent emoji designs or Google’s Noto Color Emoji designs. Additionally, selecting the dice icon will provide a random sample emoji description if you’re seeking inspiration.
Once you’re happy with your prompt, select the “Generate” button to begin the process. You’ll be presented with a rewarded video ad, after which your desired emoji image will begin to be created (and you’ll be presented with an interesting emoji fact while you wait).

Once our AI model has finished generating the emoji image you described, you can easily copy, download, or share the emoji image for use across platforms like iMessage, WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, and more.

Users can generate a limited number of emojis per day, but can return the following day to create more custom designs
Emojipedia’s AI Emoji Generator tool is now in beta, and can be accessed in the following regions:
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Ireland
- Israel
- Norway
- Lithuania
Rollout to further regions is expected in 2025.
Unlike other generative AI emoji features, such as Apple’s Genmojis, there are no device or OS restrictions for our AI Emoji Generator tool – anyone in any of the eligible regions can access the tool.
Other experiences already available in Emojipedia’s Emoji Playground include the Emoji Mashup Bot and various emoji-based quiz experiences. The Emoji Playground will continue to grow in 2025 and beyond.