Meet the Zedger: Laurynas Ramanauskas

By Tim Quirk 2 min read
Meet the Zedger: Laurynas Ramanauskas

Each week (or thereabouts), we introduce you to one of the people behind the scenes at your favorite purple app. This time round: Lauris, our Head of Design.

What's your name?

Laurynas Ramanauskas, but people call me Lauris. For those of you who are wondering how to pronounce it, listen to how Loras Tyrell is pronounced in the Game of Thrones series.

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania. One of the greenest and coziest capitals in Europe (you should visit if you haven’t yet!). 

What's your role at Zedge? What do you do most days at work?

I’m the Head of Design here at Zedge. Relatively new to the role but trying my best to ensure we establish and follow a design strategy that will result in amazing products that our users love. 

There’s a lot of things cooking that haven’t reached all of your hands yet, but we’re sprinting to ensure they will very soon! Really exciting times ahead!

How long ago did you join Zedge?

It’s been around a year; time flies though. I started as a Senior Product Designer and moved to the new role from the beginning of this year.

What do you do when you're not working?

Too many things to count if I’m honest. I write poetry, play and produce music (love analog synthesizers), ride my motorcycle, ride my skateboard, play chess, hang out with people I like and sometimes rave (don’t tell Tim).

(Editor's note: Tim has no objection to anyone raving.)

What's your favorite thing about Zedge?

I love how small but mighty we are. Every person at Zedge produces meaningful work.

I also love the breadth of our marketplace and all the amazing art that is always in the palm of your hand.

What drives you crazy about your job?

I think all designers will agree that every person on earth has a strong opinion about how something looks. This makes our job draining sometimes, but you find coping mechanisms after being in the industry for a while… :) 

What advice do you have for Zedge Premium artists?

As with all art, things that are original and aren’t easily reproduced are the ones that hold most value. So be original, keep grinding and best of luck!