Zedge Premium Artist Profile: Damian Ivanov

By Tim Quirk 3 min read
Zedge Premium Artist Profile: Damian Ivanov
Sun God by Damian Ivanov

Q: Who are you and where are you located?

A: My name is Damian Ivanov and I am from Sofia,Bulgaria.

Q: What kind of art do you make?

A: I do many form of art. I started with photography back in 2016, I picked up drone, got into 3D renders and of course got used to AI Art.

Q: What else do you do for a living, if anything? What % of your income comes from that vs. your art?

A: For a living I do Software development, the % coming from art is not big, but really fulfilling.

Q: What tools do you use most in your work, and how has that changed over time?

A: Till this day I use Lightroom and Photoshop, and these are the main programs I use for the past 7 years. Went trough a lot tools, like Premiere Pro, Canva, and a lot of Ai tools.

Q: What’s your opinion of AI image generators? If you use them in your work, please tell us how.

A: I can talk for AI image generators for hours. For the most part I'm really positive about them, really make the process of creating more easy and give the ability to create on the go. The variety of styles is amazing and the prompts are whole another side of the Ai art. I use Midjourney on a daily basis.

Q: How and when did you first discover Zedge Premium?

A: I discovered Zedge Premium back in the summer of 2020, searching for a place to try and sell my photographs, which were mainly nature and cityscapes.

Q: How many profile pages do you have in Zedge?

A: I do upload from 1 profile

Q: How many items do you upload each day/week/month on average?

A: I don’t have any specific target. I do upload from 2-4 pieces a day

Q: What are some of your most successful works with Zedge users? How much has each one earned you?

A: It’s not a recent one, but rather one of my first photos that I uploaded here and it really got some traction. This is a photo composition of Istanbul and the Milky Way, which of course is not a possible photo because of the light pollution.

Istanbul, by Damian Ivanov

Q: What’s surprised you about Zedge users? Has anything about them changed your approach to your work?

A: After I got invited to the NFT program back in 2021, I learned Cinema 4D and started creating unique pieces that really took time to create. Everything was selling out really fast and it really motivated me. Not long after people started finding me on instragram and messaging me for positive feedback and of course some request about NFTs. This really made me happy and for some of them I made a lot of requested ideas.

Q: What additional features do you wish Zedge would add?

A: I think something like personalized “feed” or images from people you follow will be great.

Saturn Poster by Damian Ivanov