Zedge Premium Artist Interview: YDLABS

By Tim Quirk 2 min read
Zedge Premium Artist Interview: YDLABS

Q: Who are you and where are you located?

A: My name is Yogesh Dhiman, I am from Himachal Pradesh, a beautiful state of India.

Meditating Monkey, from Toon Treats

Q: When and why did you first become an artist?

A: I got my first job as a Graphic Designer back in 2009 in a film production company. I worked there for two years and after that I quit my 9-5 job in 2011 & started working my own on various stock websites.

Q: What else do you do for a living, if anything? What % of  your income comes from that vs. your art?

A: Currently I am making stuff for Zedge, 99% of my income comes from Zedge because this is the only platform which benefits me a lot after AI hits badly on other platforms.

Colourful Pebbles 49, from Colourful Pebbles

Q: What tools do you use most in your work, and how has that changed over time?

A: I use Photoshop, Procreate, some video editing tools & all AI tools which are available free on the internet.

Q: How many profile pages do you have in Zedge?

A: I have 28 profiles, but I am active on a few profiles now.

Q: How many items do you upload each day/week/month on average?

A: Currently I am uploading 10-12 wallpapers every day.

Q: How much money do you make from Zedge in an average week/month/year?

A: Last Year in 2023 I made $231/ month average. The spike in downloads came after one of my profiles got featured on Zedge (I am very thankful for that) in the middle of March 2024 – after that my earnings significantly rose. The month of April was the first time I reached $1000+.

Q: What tips or tricks do you have for other Zedge artists?

A: Don’t follow trends, make your own trends. One other thing I want to say is respect everyone who is making $10/month or $100/month, who knows the person you disrespect reached $100/month and vice versa. Respect karma.

Q: What additional features do you wish Zedge would add?

A: Zedge is a great platform for those who want to make a living out of it. One feature I would like to add on this platform is to give us more opportunities to grow with you in future.

Last but not the least, I am very thankful to Zedge & the people behind Zedge who are giving us a platform to make a living out of it.